Buying car parts can easy or it can be extremely difficult. It is probably easier to find parts for an older car than it is for a newer car. Car parts for cars that are a year or two old must, for the most part, come from the dealer. Since the car is under warranty, the dealer usually supplies the parts or acquires parts that they know are of good quality and compatible. The after-market for new cars doesn't exist until the warranties have expired. Most new cars shouldn't need parts. Older cars can be easier to find parts for because there are more parts available and more places to buy them. For a car that is ten or fifteen years old, the systems weren't as finicky then as they are now. They could accommodate different kinds of parts without the chance of damaging an operating system with a part of inferior quality which is a chance with the new cars.
If you have an older car and you can do repairs yourself, a good place to look for parts at a good price is at a junkyard. You just find the make and model car and take the part off. You usually have to do it yourself but you will get a good deal on the part and may even find original factory equipment. Older cars are easier to buy parts for because the parts are interchangeable to a certain extent. Today cars and parts are too highly specialized for the parts to be interchangeable.